A little about me

Hello! I’m Kali Coogan. I’m a 5-foot Sagittarius who likes to design, illustrate, animate, play guitar, practice yoga and so much more! One thing you'll learn about me is that I have A LOT of hobbies. I recently graduated from Cal State Fullerton and relocated back to my hometown of San Diego. Since graduating, I've been teaching yoga and taking on some freelance design work for some small businesses. In my freelance work, I've designed logos and websites to help businesses grow their audience and realize their dreams. I would say that's one of my favorite parts of graphic design. I also enjoy the puzzle solving part of design work, since I’m curious about many subjects and like to solve problems around me. I try to be playful with my solutions and sometimes find some interesting answers. As a yogi, I’ve learned to go within and trust in my intuition, especially with my design work. In the end, I think the most important thing about me is that I’m a life-long learner. For me, life is all about learning and growing and hopefully I'll never stop!
Get to know me more on my socials!